Tuesday 8 April 2014

Final Looks n Stuff

First of all, here is the link to my grad film proposal. 


In Bob's Lighting n Rendering class, I decided to do some test renders of my grad film as the final project. Here is the night scene with the absence of the lion:
(for my final image, I took Bob's feedback and applied a settle rim light, it is really necessary since her hair is almost as dark as the night sky. Bob's other feedback was saying that the dome was a bit too claustrophobic, this I felt it too so I'll be careful next time when I re-model the dome.)


Andddd here are a couple behind-the-scenes images:

Inside the viewport!
Zooming back!
Set Exterior!


Again, I am hindered by too many rigging problems. At this moment, I still have a few more issues to fix, plus the weighting isn't perfect yet. I couldn't do any animation test with an imperfect rig. But I learned a lot this week, so that's great. Here are some things I did:

It's looking a bit messy since there are a lot of ctrls, but every one of them is needed!
It's my first time rigging with influence objects, but they are actually very handy and easy to work with.
I love twisting and posing the eyebrows around. Two ctrls are actually enough for this, I never knew.

Posing this creepy smile reminds me that I still need a ctrl that will move the whole mouth together.
Influence objects rig my dress pretty well too. This works easier than joints rig in my opinion. 
TO-DO List for self:
-better weighting
-whole mouth ctrl
-fix R_arm ctrls
-add fingers ctrl for both hands
-animation test

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